Which Strategies Fit your Needs?
Determining Your Needs
Determining which strategies for change would be most beneficial to your organization requires taking a look at where you are right now, what challenges you face, how external conditions are shaping your choices and where opportunities lie. Below you will find examples of the type of questions I would ask in order to help you assess your needs.
Readiness for Strategic Change
If your organization has developed a new strategy to meet your organizational goals, you've probably invested significant time, money and effort into defining your strategy. Don't let that investment go to waste. Here are a few questions to consider:
- How ready is your organization to implement your new strategy? Change readiness is a complex construct with many dimensions. If you begin implementation and your organization is not ready, you risk having your strategy fail. If you are not sure your organization is ready, let's talk about assessing and creating change readiness.
- Could organizational members articulate the reasons behind your new strategy? Change begins at the individual level. If organizational members don't understand why they are being asked to do things differently, resistance often emerges. If you aren't sure if the reasons are clear to those inside the organization, it is unlikely they will be clear to those outside the organization. Let's visit about a strategic communication plan.
- Who are the champions of your strategy? One of the greatest threats to a strategic change is the lack of champions. Change is hard. You need advocates with influence who can convince others that implementing the proposed strategy is wise. If you've not identified those people and developed a plan for bringing them on board, implementing your strategy may become a slow and painful process. Let's discuss how you can use a stakeholder analysis to build support.
Capacity for Ongoing Change
Change is constant. Even if you are not implementing a major strategic change, you are likely dealing with incremental changes that are an inherent part of today's work environment. Imagine if you could enhance your organization's capacity to work more effectively, adapt quickly and thrive even in the face of change. Where is change putting the greatest pressure on your organization?